The AI assistant showing appointment reminders
Help caregivers of older adults manage the overwhelming and complex responsibilities of caring for a loved one with a chronic illness.
App concept  |  User research  |  UI / UX design  |  Prototyping
Sketch  |  Invision  |  Photoshop

My father was diagnosed with dementia when he was 63. Over the next 11 years, I watched my stepmother struggle to manage his condition and care. Even with significant help from my sister, it took a toll on them both, and being 1,200 miles away, I felt helpless and ineffective. As I talked to others and listened to their stories, I began to see an underlying thread.
Caregivers are stressed, overwhelmed, and often feel guilty for not doing better while neglecting their own wellbeing.
The need for adult caregiving is growing exponentially due to increased life expectancy, the aging of baby boomers, and the resulting increase in healthcare needs from an already stressed system. As a result, more families are being called on to provide caregiving.
Nearly 25% of American households are caregivers to those over 50. By 2030, 1 in 5 adults will be over the age of 65.
80% of older adults have at least 1 chronic illness with 65% of those having 2 or more.
50% of caregivers have clinical depression and 80% are significantly stressed.
How might we aid caregivers in improving the quality of their interactions with doctors so that they can get better outcomes with less stress?
A significant source of caregiver stress revolves around interactions with doctors and follow-up care, especially when multiple doctors are involved. Version 1.0 of the Caregiver Support app focuses on improving the quality of those doctor relationships and interactions. 
I identified four categories of information—appointments, doctors, to-dos, and observations. These will be supported by a dashboard and an AI assistant which helps the caregiver by presenting relevant information and prompts.
IA diagram of the 6 areas of the interface: Dashboard, AI Assistant, Appointments, Doctors, Journal, and To-Do/Follow up content areas
As content for each category was outlined, I created wireframes. I began developing the visual style by designing high-fidelity mockups of simpler screens and mapping out the design system.
Mockup of the main Appointments screen showing Upcoming and Past Appointments
Wireframes showing the content structure of the Future Appointment and Past Appointment screens
Wireframes for the observation journal
Interviews to gather feedback on dashboard item prioritization​​​​​​​​​​​
User journey documentation refinement
Mockups for upcoming and past appointment screens
AI Assistant asking how the user's dad is doing
Doctor's information screen showing contact info and next appointment
Follow the evolution of the Caregiver Support app as it moves through the human-centered design process.​​​​​​​